Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Audio over cat6a cable?

My podcast-partner in crime, the mighty Hugh Waters asked me how often I run audio signals over twisted-pair data cable in media facility builds. Has has a customer who is eager to do it this way.

I’ve done it a few times and it’s fine with a few considerations.

  1. Earthing is still important and since IT people have no idea about proper grounding it can be an issue. If it’s a cat6a install in a TV facility done by me I’d have no worries, but the average IT install might have issues. But as four twisted pairs with individual screens cat6a is ideal for audio. It’s the other parts of the facility I’d worry about,
  2. RJ45s don’t have the same DC/LF performance as a good old B-gauge (or Bantam) connector; if the circuits are going to be patched often I’d be wary – mechanically they aren’t great next to traditional audio connectors, 
  3. From a wiring perspective; how do you nicely terminate into XLRs from a piece of cat6a?
  4. Track shuffling is hard,
  5. AES – just fine. Cat6a has an impedance of ~100Ω per pair, ideal for twisted-pair AES. Same observations as 1, 2 & 3.

There you go. I did work at one facility where the engineer had got obsessed with structured cabling and did everything he could over cat6 – analogue video (via baluns), audio, RS422 etc. He liked the idea that you could patch an offline i/o with two RJ45s (stereo i/o on one and video i/o and remote on the other). It didn’t work well and I put in proper cabling and patching after a year.

Sometimes convenience blinds you to fitness for purpose.

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