Monday, January 5, 2015

Oscilloscope Watch update

New update from Gabriel Anzziani, the developer;

Hello Backers! Sorry for the delays, the project is still moving forward. I have received 50 PCB assemblies and other parts for the "Hacker Special" and "PCB Assembly" backers. 

 Hardware 1.5 PCB Assemblies

Below is a close up of the PCB. The board has been extended sideways to be able to add two more mounting holes, and I have also added some cutouts on the PCB (between the buttons) to hold the backlight.
 Close up of the PCB assembly

The board works as expected:
 Board powers up

Before I send out these units to backers, I want to finish up the backlight piece, which also doubles as the holder for the LCD, so the PCB assembly can be one solid piece.

 PCB Assembly with backlight/holder

 Backlight/holder side view 

I will be working on this piece in the next few days and I will send out the design to the mold company. I expect to have sample pieces in a month or two. While I wait for the backlight, I will continue to work on the enclosure and other details of the design.
 I'm still itching to make part 2 of my review video, meantime, here is the first clip;

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