Thursday, July 3, 2014

Someone who has some actual experience of file-based deliverables!

There are an awful lot of people touting themselves as "DPP consultants" and "file-based technologists" in the UK TV industry at the moment. For the most part they are riding the gravy train of the DPP roadshow and the fact that come October all the big broadcasters will expect file-based delivery AND material QC'ed to the DPP specification. The majority of these folks have not delivered a single minute of material for terrestrial broadcast but the one chap who really does know his stuff is my good pal Simon Brett (recently moved from National Geographic/Fox UK to NBC-Universal).

Here he is at a recent evening event we laid on; if you want to know some actual details (what bit of software to use to handle your metadata etc) then Simon is your man.  He's quite an engaging speaker (and he bigs-me-up for colourimetry!)

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